Running Start

LWHS Counseling Statement

The Running Start program allows 11th and 12th grade high school students to take college-level courses at community and technical colleges. 

LWHS believes that the Running Start program is for students that are academically focused, independent, organized, and mature.

It is expected by the colleges associated with Running Start, that students be able to maintain a 2.0 or higher each college quarter or result in ineligibility for the program.

Students may need to change some of expectations about privileges and responsibilities at school. College is an adult environment where students are expected to engage in the community in a positive, mature and independent manner.

**LWHS also strongly advises against starting the program in any other quarter than Fall.**


How to Become a Running Start Student

To become a Running Start student, complete the following steps:

>>Running Start students are responsible for scheduling appointments with their counselor for a new Running Start Enrollment Verification Form for each quarter they are enrolled as a Running Start student.

Attention Running Start Graduating Seniors

Don't forget to complete your:

XELLO Graduation Requirement