College & Career
College Visits:
- After-School Visits & During Student’s Assigned Lunch, no need to sign up.
- Lunchtime Visits: If it is not during your lunchtime, you must get permission from your teacher. 9th and 10th-grade students cannot miss class time for a College Rep Visit.
- Roo Time Visits: Students sign up on FlexiSched under College Career Center.
Outside Organizations (College Reps, Employers, Non-Profits)
We post student jobs, volunteer, internships, and summer opportunities as community service.
Please complete the appropriate form if you have an opportunity for our students to gain experience.
College Admission reps who would like to visit our school sign up via RepVisits or email Nichole Swanger
If you have a job opportunity for our students, please complete our Job Posting Intake Form
We cannot post in-home job opportunities. Thank you for understanding!
Students, Click here for the fillable Parent/School Work Authorization Form.
Military Recruiter visits are in-person this year. To schedule a visit, click here.
The above lists of individuals/agencies are being provided as an informational item for your convenience. The LWSD School District does not recommend or endorse any of these individual(s)/agencies provided by the College and Career Center and will not be held liable or responsible for any services provided by them. As such, the Lake Washington School District highly recommends that you conduct your own research and investigation and exercise due diligence before selecting any of these individual(s) / agencies for service.