Enrollment / Withdrawal

New Student & Out of District Registration

Out of District, New Student, choice school & Homeschool Registration

In-Person Registration Sessions: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 in the LWHS Commons. Click here to register.

Please see below for further enrollment instructions


Enrollment Instructions

Private | Homeschool | Choice School |Sports Only Registration

Change of Address

To update your students address please submit a new Residency Verification Form (Spanish) with the requested documents to the registrar.

Withdrawal Instructions

Withdrawing during the current school year?

Email the Counseling Center to inform the Registrar and your Counselor of your notice of intent to withdrawal before your last day of attendance.

To complete your part of the withdrawal you will need to:

  1. Email the notice of intent to withdrawal to the Registrar.
    • Please include the following, Students full name, Reason for withdrawal, Last day of attendance, Name of the school your student is transferring to, Parents name.
  2. Contact each of your classes (Periods 1-7 and HR) to inform them of your last day and to request your current grade. If there should be an adjustment made to the class fee please ask your teacher to notify the cashier.

  3. Email the Library to make arrangements to return your books, computer, charging cord, etc.

  4. Contact the Cashier to verify that your account is current (as outstanding fines/fees will impact the our ability to share your official transcript with the new school)

Not returning in the next year?

Please email the Registrar and your Counselor your notice of intent to withdrawal. 

An email with further directions will follow.