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PSAT & SAT Testing at LWHS | Now Digital for both PSAT & SAT

On Wednesday, October 23rd, LWHS will host the PSAT and SAT College Board exams. This day is called 'Super Wednesday' and all high schools in LWSD participate. Below is information on what to expect, sign up and deadline information.

9th Grade Students/Families: On Super Wednesday, all 9th grade students stay home and participate in asynchronous learning.  More details to follow.

10th Grade Students/Families: LWSD pays for all 10th grade students to participate so 10th graders are automatically signed up and expected (though not required) to attend; no action items.

11th Grade Students/Families: 11th grade students can choose to take the PSAT/NMSQT or stay home and participate in asynchronous learning.  More details to follow.. LWSD does not pay for 11th grade students to take the PSAT so those students who wish to participate must pay an $18 fee here; students who complete payment will be registered. 

Deadline to pay for the PSAT is September 30th at midnight

The SAT is NOT available to 11th grade students.

12th Grade Students/Families: Seniors may elect to take the SAT or stay home and participate in asynchronous learning.  More details to follow.

The cost to test is $60 and students can pay here; students who complete payment will be signed up. The deadline to register for the SAT is September 30th at midnight.

Refunds will not be issued if your student cannot take the PSAT or SAT for any reason.

If your student qualifies for free and reduced lunch, the reduced or free cost will display when you make payment here.  

REGARDING ACCOMMODATIONS: All accommodations need to be pre-authorized by College Board.  If your student has a 504 Plan or an IEP, you need to apply to College Board for needed accommodations.  Please connect with with any questions.  (Please note, deadlines for accommodation requests may have already passed.)

More information will be provided in the weeks leading up to Super Wednesday.

If you have any questions about the PSAT/NMSQT or SAT, please feel free to contact Pauline Salois Gillespie, Testing Coordinator,

Still want to take the SAT? Need SAT Practice? Find additional practice resources here:


What is the PSAT/NMSQT?
The PSAT/NMSQT is the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. The purpose of the PSAT is to familiarize students with the kinds of questions, style of directions, and physical environment of an SAT exam, and provides students with a projected SAT score range, personalized feedback, and a study plan. Eleventh grade students who take the PSAT/NMSQT are also automatically screened for the National Merit®Scholarship Program; an academic competition for recognition and scholarships. 

For more information about the PSAT, you can visit the College Board website at:

What is the SAT?
The SAT is a test is used by many colleges and universities in the admissions process. The district is only allowed to offer the SAT without essay in the fall. Achieving a certain score on the SAT is one of the methods to meet the Graduation Pathway requirement in Washington State.


For more information about the SAT, you can visit the College board website at:


SAT/ACT Practice Tests | Sponsored by the LWHS PTSA

What is the SAT/ACT Test?

The SAT and ACT are both entrance exams used by most college and universities to make admission decisions.  The purpose is to measure a high school student's readiness for college.  Typically, the higher the score, the more options for attending and paying for college will be available to you.

Common Questions:

Should I take the SAT or the ACT?

SAT/ACT Useful Links

SAT & ACT Testing Is Now Optional at Many Colleges

Most Washington colleges are not requiring high school seniors to take standardized tests like the SAT or ACT for fall admission. While COVID-19 has led to this increased flexibility, many colleges are making their test-optional policies permanent.

Some colleges require an alternative in place of test scores, such as a letter of recommendation, participation in dual credit courses, or success in certain high school classes. Requirements vary by campus but are generally similar by type:

So, should students still take the SAT or ACT? There are private scholarships that take test scores into account. And while some test-optional colleges won’t look at test scores, others will consider them if submitted. In that case, not testing won’t hurt, but good scores could help. Always check with each college directly for the latest admissions information.