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Senior Graduation Information

Graduation Details

When:  June 16, 2025, Time Coming Soon

Where:  UW Alaska Airlines Arena at Hec Edmundson Pavilion

  • There is plenty of seating at Alaska Airlines Arena.  As a result, we will not be issuing tickets for graduation unless you require ADA seating. Seating will be first come, first selected. 

Upcoming Senior Events

January 8, 2025: Senior Ads, Photos and Quotes are due.  Scroll down for additional  details.

January 31, 2025: Click here to verify your name for Diploma!  

May 1, 2025: Decision Day in the Commons

May 31, 2025 @ 7:00 p.m.: Senior Prom. More details to come.

June 16, 2025: Graduation Day

Letter of Recommendation Forms

Counselor Recommendation Form 

Letter of Recommendation Request

  • Tips and Student Self-Evaluation tool
  • Reach out to your Counselor with any questions.  

Seniors! Verify your name for your diploma! Due Jan 31st!

Parents: ONLY LWHS students can fill out this form.

Cap & Gown Questions for Jostens

Jostens is LWHS's official Cap & Gown Supplier.  

Cap & Gown (Cap, Gown, Stole, Tassel - most cost effective)

Jostens Lake Washington High School Store

Please contact Jostens directly.  They are happy to help!

Email or call 360-653-9102 

Senior Party | Sponsored by the LWHS PTSA

Senior Party tickets go on sale at the LWHS PTSA website starting Dec. 2nd!! 


a safe and fun-filled post-graduation all-night party on June 16th with transportation to two surprise venues, entertainment, food, prizes, and a memorable end-of-the year experience. 

Tickets start at $190. But go up Feb. 18th. Click here to purchase.

Scholarships are available, just see Ms. Gillespie in the office or email

LWHS Graduation Honors Key*

*Honor Awards are subject to change from year to year.

Honor Cords:
  • Eligible students will receive an email informing them of their status
  • Running Start students qualify for GPA & Departmental Honors
  • Eligibility requirements are noted below:
Cumulative GPA Honor Cords
Gold:  GPA 3.8-4.0
Silver: GPA 3.5-3.79
Department Honor Cords (White)
Departmental Honors- Students are selected based on criteria set by department chairs and departments (student is eligible to receive ONE cord, despite the number of departmental honors they qualify for). 

4.0 Pin

The 4.0 pin recognizes students who have maintained a 4.0 all four years of high School.
Golden Kang Medallion
This award recognizes students with a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.85 or higher, 5 or more AP and/or UW classes (includes Running Start), and at least 1 activity (Honor Society, Leadership, Sports, Theater (if in the play or participated behind the scenes), Music (if student participated in concerts that took place outside the regular school day).
National Honor Society 
Must meet Honor Society criteria and be in good standing.
Student Leadership Award
This award recognizes leaders who have put others first in service to their school.
President's Award
This award is sponsored by the US Department of Education.  Its purpose is to recognize students with a cumulative GPA of 3.9 or higher and completed at least 75 percent of the credits required for graduation and was enrolled in at least three academic core subjects (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, the Arts, and Languages other than English) in Grade 12. 
Washington State Honors Award
This award recognizes students that are graduating in the top 10% of the State of Washington.
AP Capstone Diploma Candidate (Medallion)
Students who have passed four AP classes in addition to completing AP Seminar and AP Research and are eligible to receive the College Board’s distinguished Capstone Diploma.
AP Capstone Certificate Candidate

Students who have completed AP Seminar and AP Research and are eligible to receive the College Board’s Capstone Certificate.

Seal of Biliteracy
The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given in recognition of students who have studied and attained proficiency in two or more languages by high school graduation.  Students must receive a 4 on their World Language test in order to receive this award.